How to avoid this common social media shopping scam

How to avoid this common social media shopping scam

Social media apps aren’t just a place for people to share photos and connect with friends. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are rife with scam artists looking to prey on young people who are susceptible to buying things they see advertised on the apps. 

In 2022, online shopping scams were the second-most reported type of fraud to the Federal Trade Commission, behind investment scams. Not all of the cases reported took place on social media apps, but fraudsters are increasingly targeting the platforms to take advantage of unsuspecting users.

Scammers pose as businesses selling products like clothing, home goods and jewelry but in some cases, never deliver the goods, and steal individuals’ credit card information 

The products in question are ones “that either don’t show up at all or that show up not being quite what people ordered,” Wall Street Journal reporter Julie Jargon told CBS News.  

How to avoid social media shopping scams

If you’re shown a targeted shopping ad on a social media feed, don’t make a purchase directly through the app. Click through to the seller’s website and try to verify its legitimacy. 

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